The Andamio Platform is preparing to launch on Cardano's Preproduction Testnet. In collaboration with partners from across the Cardano ecosystem, we are preparing a set of high-impact courses. Andamio will launch on Mainnet Q4 2024.
You can start exploring the Andamio Course Platform by viewing the courses listed below. In "Getting Started With Andamio", you can jump right into the Andamio Platform. Gimbalabs and Mesh are currently releasing "Plutus PBL" and "Mesh PBL" courses.
Anyone can browse Courses for free on Andamio. To start interacting with the platform, you must create an account. To create an account, log in with Discord.
To start learning in Andamio, you must first enable the learner role. Just tap this button:
The best way to learn about Andamio is by using it. The "Getting Started with Andamio" provides a quick tour of everything you need to know.
With Andamio Course Studio, you can create courses, write modules, and deploy lesson content that grows your community and engages contributors.
When you build a course on Andamio, you create opportunities for people to learn and to apply their knowledge to new projects.
If you want to build a course on Andamio we would like to hear from you. To find out if Andamio is for you, and to learn how to get in touch, follow the steps on this page.